Wonderful Korean shopping experience. Lots of Japanese items as well ... things that I miss and crave ... like daifuku (with red bean) ... good selection of Shirakiku items and Korean items a-plenty.
Spotless store, a few in-store fruit specials but what is truly incredible is the condiments' section - a staple for Korean cooking. They have prepared food as well - lots of 'twigim' (prepared fried items) as well as bindaettok (mung bean pancake). OMG. Just as you are ready to leave, Kevin's tayaki is waiting for you for your last caloric indulgence, filled either with custard (not my first choice) or sweet red bean ... need I say more?!
Good selection of Korean 'glass' noodles (chap-chae) as well as kitchen supplies (Cuckoo rice cookers made in Korea). Love this place. Always overspend, can't help myself here ...