I would say a majority of the thousands of people that fly into Las Vegas every day don't realize they are taking a gamble even before stepping foot into a casino. Let's call it Taxi Cab....I played and lost during my latest trip. The cabbie had the nerve to tunnel me to Mandalay Bay, even after I told him I come to Vegas multiple times a year during the mandatory banter that typically accompanies being long hauled. Mandalay Bay is the closest hotel to the airport. It is literally across the street from the airport. It is the most blatant abuse of the tunnel possible. When staying on this side of the strip it takes a very ballsy or equally stupid driver to attempt to long haul someone. Especially at 11pm on a week day when there is no traffic at all. As soon as I noticed we were in the tunnel, my blood began to boil. Did he really just do this? You've got to be kidding me. I had already pulled up the proper documentation for filing an affidavit on my phone before we got to the hotel. I asked for a receipt as I was paying in cash. The driver handed me a blank card with no information on it at all. This is the point he realized he screwed up. I handed it back and told him to fill it out. He some wrote random bullshit on it and handed it back to me and promptly sped off before I could get the Taxi Cab Authority on the phone. The first thing I do upon entering a taxicab in Las Vegas is enter the cab number, the company, the time and anything else into my phone for this very reason. Regardless of what he wrote or didnt write, I had his information.
The best thing to do is inform the driver you are aware you were long hauled once you arrive to your destination and that you have all of the drivers information. This will usually result in the driver making you a cheaper offer or declining any payment under the expectation you wont be reporting them. You can call the Taxicab Authority before paying if needed as well. Hotel bell hops / taxi stand attendants are also probably experience with handling long hauling as well and will usually be of assistance.
Always report them. Let them know you are reporting them. There is no excuse for taking advantage of tourist, in a city that thrives on its tourism. You dont bite the hand that feeds. Its sad to think how many people get taken by this brazzen scam daily.