Have you ever seen the movie Pretty Woman, that's how I felt when I walked into this office today. The lady looked me up and down with that " can I help you face" like I wasn't supposed to be there. I asked if she could take me on a tour of her apartment complex and she stated that she was just getting up to turn the sign around to go to lunch. She handed me a brochure and quoted me the room rate and said ok!!! I was with my daughter and we looked at one another and said ok and turned around and walked out. I told my daughter on the way out very loudly that I don't want to move into a complex that isn't willing to help new guest and she was walking right behind us and after we walked out she closed the door and locked it. I understand that we do get a lunch break on our jobs but she wasn't busy and she didn't have one guest in the office besides us. If you can't take 15 minutes of your time to welcome new people to your community I don't want to live there.