Positives: Got some coconut flour on sale so I was a happy camper. They also didn't kick me out of the store when I got there at 7:57. I thought it closed at 9, but then everyone inside was sweeping and turning off the lights. Whoops! They still let me check out though!
Negatives: I also got some almond butter, and was SO EXCITED to finally have yummy almond butter at an inexpensive price! I got home, and excitedly ate a spoonful, then felt slightly sick to my stomach. Confused, I looked at the ingredient list. Silly me for not checking first. Peanut oil!
Who puts peanut oil in almond butter? Most people eat almond butter because they can't have peanut butter! Why oh why.
Looks like I'm still missing Trader Joe's in a lot of ways. But I'll still shop here for most everything else.