| - On my Great Hierarchy of Burger Chains, Burger King ranks at or near the bottom. It actually goes something like Licks - Hero - Harveys - Wendys - McDonalds - Burger King. That said, I find myself in this location with some regularity, for one main reason: convenience. It's located right in the middle of a veritable techno-Mecca centred around College and Spadina in Toronto. So when I make my pilgrimage out to feed my technolust, it's the most logical / lazy place to grab a bite to eat. It's also air conditioned, which beats the crap out of some of the local pizza joints, and whoever programs the music for Burger King does pick a good selection of oldies but goodies.
That said, once I start eating here I usually start reconsidering my decision. The food ain't great even by fast food standards, the burgers usually falling apart rather quickly. They're also ridiculously stingy with the ketchup - you get given a certain number of packets when you order. All distribution of condiments, napkins, straws etc. is handled at point of purchase, making for difficulties should you experience a gravity-related incident.
The clientele is certainly interesting. It runs the gamut from local University students (the restaurant is located at the southwest corner of U of T), fellow geeks doing some shopping, and what can only be described as a ragtag bunch of sketchy locals. I don't think I've ever been in there without at least one homeless dude and someone looking completely strung out on who knows what sitting a few tables away.
Probably because of this, the bathroom situation is interesting. Access to the facilities - capable of serving but a single member of the respective users at a time - is controlled by the cashiers behind the counter. If you're desperate and it's busy in there, things could get messy.
Bottom line: if you're in the area and really want a burger and fries... well, this place is certainly in the area. Don't expect much in the way of quality, though.