Customer service at this location is ridiculous! My 21 yr old daughter who is mom to a 12 month old, college student and works ran in to get formula. She found the shelf empty she asked someone at the customer service desk to check to see if there was any in stock. She was told they didn't stock shelves until 10 pm so she would have to check back after that time.(it was 8:30) She left the store but called me on her way to Fry's. I told her that I wouldn't think a store like Walmart would handle customers in that manner. I called and spoke to the lady at the customer service desk; she admitted that someone should have checked to see if there was any formula available. I asked to speak to a customer service manager just so she was aware of the situation and she made excuse after excuse as to why thee may not have been any of course when I reminded her that no one bother to check for the item she had no answer. I explained that the only thing in it for me to be making the call was better customer service for the next person but I could see by her response that wasn't something she was interested in providing. I won't be shopping this Walmart again!