| - We went to UK for the first time for their "Fowl Dinner," a 7 course meal featuring different kinds of fowl served at communal tables of up to 8 people. The event began with a cocktail, Death's Door, that was delicious. From there it was a mixed bag with some courses, e.g., foie gras on crostini with p.b.& j. milk punch and a duck egg flan for dessert, that were tasty and inventive, and some, e.g., squab done in a barbeque style, that were very mediocre or worse. Some courses were served on flat boards with mounded piles deemed sufficient to serve 8 with a spoon for serving. It was sometimes difficult to get right-sized portions off the flat platter before passing it around the table. All in all, at $50 dollars per person excluding tips and drinks (with the exception of the complimentary cocktail), the experience was definitely not worth it. The noise level was dreadfully high and one felt drained over the 2 and 1/2 hour serving time. We would not try this again!