| - As far as drug stores go, this is definitely not my favourite. Just about any Shoppers Drug Mart, I'd prefer to this one. Amongst its many failings:
1. They stock Chocolate Dairy Beverage and not Chocolate Milk. The difference is substantial
2. They sell some food products but not seemingly enough to be useful. Some frozen dinners but not any good ones. Everything to make a sandwich but without the bread.
3. Staff is incredibly variable - some are very efficient and quick to check you out, others are painfully slow. If I'm buying a chocolate bar, I don't want a bag, I don't want a receipt, and you shouldn't need my postal code. Also, it shouldn't take you fully thirty seconds to make change for $1.12 from $5, especially when the cash register already told you how much you need to give me.
Honestly, I'd go elsewhere if this wasn't the closest retail establishment to my office, at a mere 150m away. Their prices are also substantially better than the Mac's convenience store in the plaza, which dulls the sting a bit.