| - When the revolution comes, this is where the 1% will be lined up against the wall. More frauds, scams, & extortion rackets have been and continue to be launched within these walls than at Al Capone's wedding.
Founded at the height of Cleveland's industrial might, it was all downhill from there. As Cleveland rotted for a century, this monument to landed kleptocracy floated above like Biealzebub on a magic carpet. From this glorious precipice they all watched their city drown. Still do. Good work if you can get it.
If you are ever lucky enough to enter here, soak it in. Smell the oakened air. Linger in the men's room with the hair tonic, colognes, shoe polishers, and pomade. Glide down the staircase as if Clark Gable in Charleston. Listen to the click clack of your heels on the marble. Soak into the library's leather chairs. Gaze upward at the carved ceilings, the soaring walls, and wonder how such power could have meant so little to its own city.
For you will never be here again.