This place isn't bad...i used to come here A LOT when i was young & single..i mean back in the day this was really the "place to be"....also back then if you couldn't really think of a place to go on a date (you can only go to the movies so many times) and you really didn't want to frequent any nightclubs then this was the spot!i can remember one time when i just met this girl....she wanted me to meet her up at the peppermill..sure that's cool I said...anyway I arrive walked in and noticed that my date wasn't there yet..i thought ok no big deal..(this was way back when cellphones didn't exist) so i waited in their little lobby between the restaurant and the bar/fireplace/lounge with sofas)..& I'm waiting & waiting...ok at this point I'm thinking a crap i got stood up...i decided to wait just a little while longer ..i noticed that there were about 5 slot machines by the door..i really don't gamble but i was bored and was just trying to kill time...i popped a few quarters in & BAM!!! I hit 4 aces 5 hundred bucks!! I was stoked because as I said I didn't gamble really.. Coincidentally my date comes strolling in the door right we went in the lounge area & had drinks & a little bite to eat...anyway now that I'm older & I'm a widower a friend of mine wanted me to go on a double date with him and his girlfriend's friend was going to be my date (kind of a blind date so to speak)..this was last weekend...they decided that they wanted to go here..i said ok what the hell I'm we arrive went in & really didn't notice any looked pretty much the brought back memories but again now that I'm older I'm like really? It was cool when we were younger but now not so is ok drinks are i said in the beginning..this place isn't bad...if you're new to Vegas it's worth checking for me though i probably won't be going back....