If you're freezing or nursing a cold or a hangover, pho is our household's go-to remedy. It was -15C / 5F out so we blazed our way here for a warm bowl of pho. My preference is pho ga (chicken), and after having a bowl of pho ga with beef broth at one place and another place that didn't have any chicken broth, I was very excited when the waiter gave me a "of course, we have chicken broth!" look. Third times a charm.
After taking my first sip of my soup, ahhh, it hit the spot! I was a little disappointed that I'd had whiffs of bleach even after the usual ritual wipe down of utensils. They also didn't have coriander. Cilantro and pho ga go together like salt on fries. It just gives it that extra umph.
Nevertheless, the meat portions are generous and the soup is hearty. I've had way worse and better ones. Have to admit, it's also pretty impressive when the guys who work here are switching between all the different languages. It's only my 3rd pho joint in Montreal so I'd like to try others before I come back, and I'd definitely come back!