I like the idea of it, I like the brunch. They are two seperate entities crammed together, though. I feel that maybe showcasing some specialty cheeses in a dish or two, having a more seasonal menu, etc would totally improve the experience.
The "stuff" they sell is also a bit unrelated, a bit more sophisticated than a Spencer's or perhaps Urban Outfitter's table of funny junk and coffee table stuff. I half-expect to see a bobble-head Jesus next time I go in. Everything plays to a niche. It seems theirs is yuppie parents who revel in the novel aspect of wooden toys from France, and paying full-price for hardcover books for their toddlers.
I was excited about the Honeysuckle soap they had out the first few times I went in, but I falsely assumed they restocked stuff like that, thus missed out. It was actually the only reason I dragged my friend in the last time. At 10+ dollars, perhaps it was a blessing that it really is nothing like a grocer at all.
My friend also pointed out that the breads would be really interesting/a possible future purchase if they were not stored in open air baskets next to the food pickup area.