| - Located inside the Filipino-oriented Seafood City grocery/fast food complex, Crispy Town, as the name suggests, serves up all your glorious fried food needs. This review is specifically about the chicken chicharron which is fried chicken skin and a delicious Filipino delicacy. Although chicharron, usually of the pork variety, can be bought at most Asian groceries in the GTA, the Crispy Town version is freshly made in-house. It's super salty, super crispy, super delicious...and yes, really bad for you, but heyyy....this really shouldn't be eaten on its own and is probably best served with non-fried and healthy dishes. Otherwise, your poor throat and stomach will just get overwhelmed. By the way, this is sold by the weight but is luckily on the lighter side. They usually put them in foil bags so if you ask for "half a bag", it comes out to around $5. Pro-tip: dip it in liver sauce or the sweet chili sauce to avoid the monotonous fried taste.
Rating: 4 bile ducts seizing out of 5