Hoping for an indigenous Mexican food experience ( having read so on Yelp) I trundled to this place (which is next to iMart, A thai restaurant and a newly opened "Deshi snack food store".
Service: Good and very friendly. I got the salsa/chips and the verde /roja spicy sauce for my taco served t me. I also got the medium Jamaica (even though I paid for the small). I also helped myself to their pickled Carrot and Serrano peppers (mmmm Spicy.. though I prefer the grilled peppers from Senor taco)
Food: I chose to order the more adventurous Tripe, head and Shrimp tacos.
Tripe: Rather gamey and had a smell like the cow was having a bad day when it got chosen to be eaten
Head: Interesting taste and smell (tasted a lot like a slightly off Carne asada). I was expecting portions of brain as well (but maybe after Bovine Spongi..what not, its probably safer that I didn't)
Shrimp: Bit overdone (hence rubbery) but with a good griil aroma and flavor.
Authenticity: Definitely
Net Impression: Will go here again and order the more traditional fare. I'm leaning towards the mole to make my final decision. As always Mom and Pop authentic stores always has a soft corner for me.