Got a Mother-in-law U despise ... or cats U want to chase off? If so, feed them from this place! The fried shrimp was tiny, flattened, and rolled in what tasted like crumbs from the bottom of the toaster. A couple of the pieces could have been used to patch truck tires! Over half of the order went in the trash.
The fried rice HAD NO chicken, pork, shrimp! egg, veggies or anything resembling FLAVOR in it. My sweet and sour pork was a handful of hard, dry, flavorless breaded lumps. I was provided with a side of "SWEET and ... well ... Red sauce. It was SWEET, and did I mention RED? It Tasted like colored sugar water. Did I mention SWEET?
I don't know where the other reviewers ate. I don't see how ANYONE could say this food was even edible, let alone "delicious"