So, I bought a voucher on living social to take the laser course with Bellagio. Two days before the class is about to start I get a vague email stating that not only will the course be delayed but they're not sure if the june classes will start. They finish the email saying they'll refund if we paid them directly if not to contact living social. No problem, besides me rearranging my schedule to do this class and not being able to at a moments notice. The vague email ends with 'DO NOT CALL the center, email us if you want a refund'. Well excuse me, but after shelling out A LOT of money and getting my schedule royally screwed for a month I WILL call you. After about 20 of the students scheduled for the class harassed the clinic ONE of us got an email from Dr. Kim/Living social that she so kindly forwarded to the rest of us. Heres a blurb....
"Due to Board of Education threatening us to stop the class until they issue a license, we must cancel our May class. We expect to have the class as soon as they issue the license, hopefully in June.
We had a successful class in March but not in April because I am a very busy surgeon and we had too many students needing handson training. I expect to receive the license by end of May unless competing laser school hinder our efforts."
They advertised as a certified school, thats why I shelled out the money in the first place. Living Social has refunded my money, but this "school/clinic" will NEVER be getting any of my money due to misinformation and poor planning. I probably wouldnt be writing this review but the front office and the handful of people I communicated with werent helpful and boardered on rude. I'll happily spend more money in the long run going to a laser school that isn't shady.