This review is not for this store but for Verizon Wireless in general.
They constantly throttle your service, dropping you out of LTE and don to 1x or 3G when streaming or browsing. It's annoying as hell and I'm fed up with them. Don't tell your customers they have the best network when you slow them down constantly to save yourself a buck.
I'm going to Another provider. Bye!
Update: I went around the entire Las Vegas valley and I had horrible service nearly everywhere I went. Not only is service crap here but it's also very slow. If you want crap then go Verizon. Only good thing they got is deals.
I went over to AT&T and had full bars and ample speed everywhere in Las Vegas. Prices suck tho, but worth the switch cuz it got rid of my aggravation of Verizon's garbage service.