I have had my nose pierced before and there was a bit of scar tissue on the inside of my nose. I asked the piercer a million times if it was an issue or should I have this piercing on the other nostril? She assured me it was no big deal and pierced the same side again. 4 weeks later the inside scar tissue bubbles up on the outside and won't go away. I have dealt with it for a couple weeks now and finally said....forget it! I tried getting it out myself but can't. So, I just went in to have them just take it out to let it close up and they wanted to charge me $5. Seriously! I know $5 isn't much, but I refuse to pay for your mistake! I now have a jacked up ugly nose piercing that I will pay someone else to remove. Also as I was standing there waiting, another woman commented on a "bump" that keeps appearing on her nose piercing. I'm not sure the piercer is as good or knowledgeable as I expected.