Ok, it happened. My faithful 2002 Subaru Outback started making some transmission noise probably 18 months ago. I commute about 25 miles each day and take the occasional trip to SoCal or SoUT. The noise sounded like a bearing gone bad.
A couple of weeks ago on my way home from Lake Mead, I finally got the SURRENDER warning light on my dash. Blown head gaskets and failed transmissions do not make me orgasmic with joy; you know it is going to be expensive but HOW EXPENSIVE is the question?
I have been here in Vegas about 6 years now but when I first moved here from Alaska my new (then) 6-speed Nissan Frontier basically needed a new clutch. I took it to Sun Auto on the westside and those guys purposely smoked what was left of my clutch and then said it would be $1800 to fix-it. It turns out they really did not know because the 6-speed clutch was new and it ended up costing $3200 at the dealer. So, I am very suspicious of ANY MAJOR auto repair in this town.
So, here I am with a failed tranny and who do you call? Many would say that YELP is for foodies....but, I have been sufficiently trained (by positive experiences) to go to YELP in a DO NOT KNOW scenario.
Oren's reviews seems genuine and positive albeit a little dated. Nice enough on the phone and he arranged to have a tow truck pick up my car....
Bottom line we needed a replacement tranny and other corresponding parts and it ran about $2300. What Oren discerned was that I had developed a broken tranny bolt that effected the alignment which then caused the final failure.
He is not habitually punctual as he has to juggle the biz and family stuff but I got my car back yesterday and it runs very good. I have other issues I need to get worked on and now I feel comfortable bringing my car back to him for those repairs.
I would recommend his services.
PS...the address listed on YELP is not current. He is on Arville just south of Trop.