| - I first heard about MCC at an overpriced-hipster-second-hand-shop which shall not be named, a few years back, when this girl was raving about their insane basket sales.
I was initially charmed by MCC, what with its selection of cute kitchenwares, vintage suitcases, etc. The furniture and cltohing is very hit or miss at this location. I used to come for sewing fabric allll the time here and if I sewed more than needlepoint/crochet at the moment, I still probably would. My favourite thing here though, is probably their handmade quilts, of which I own two. I caught both of these quilts on insane sale, and if anyone tried to take them from me I would probably fight them. Seriously.
They also had an impressive collection of old National G's (geographic) until I bought pretty well all of them. So uh, sorry.
So, while I'd recommend trying other thrift shops for certain things, MCC is relatively charming and you may find nice handmade (un-used) quilts. :)