| - I am a Yelper that admires festivals. Festivals are conglomerations of creative, entertaining, and unique places. The art of living is to experience creative, entertaining, and unique places.
Going back to May 20, when I wrote a review on Wilbur Square Park, I was determined to check-in to Art in the Park. The weekend of October 5 and 6 crept up fast. It was time to check-in to Wilbur Square Park.
To me the art of dying slowly is siting in bumper to bumper traffic. I anticipated motor vehicles flooding the main roads of Boulder City. I would avoid bumper to bumper traffic and possible parking problems. Now that the weather is beautiful, I made a whole day out of combining Art in the Park with a hike on the River Mountains Loop Trail between Railroad Pass Casino and downtown Boulder City.
Art in the Park took place in the heart of the Boulder City business district. The shape of the grounds resembled a panhandle. Wilbur Square Park, Utah Street, and the greenery to the left of City Hall was the pan and the greenery extending to Wyoming Street was the handle. Art in the Park was a celebration of Boulder City. In reality the downtown businesses were incorporated into the festival.
The major attractions were the booths featuring creative, entertaining, and unique work. There was Harmony Tie Dies which is a business established in Modesta, California 1979 specializing in tie dye clothes. There was Woofware Handmade Dog Collars with a sundry of neat dog collars. Turflings guaranteed that if you water their product that hair would grow. Stoned Coasters shared my sense of humor with beer coasters joking "Life is short, drink the best wines first," "Why limit happy to an hour" and other funny stuff. Dream sold pictures displaying upbeat affirmations that could make a neat Yelp profile caption. The affirmations included "Do more of what makes you awesome." "Why stop at the stars when the galaxy never ends." There was one unique business after another.
The heart of Art in the Park was the food concessions and beer garden along Utah Street. This is where the scent of carnival food overtook the olfactory sense. Some of the food & drink concessions were Fresh Square Lemonade, Snow Ice, Ozark Mountain BBQ, and Glavanais NY Italian Sausage. Currently, when it comes to events in downtown business districts, my preference is to support the local business. A White Castle concession could be an exception. With this in mind I'd cheer Art in the Park in the Boulder City Brewing Company.
Art in the Park also promoted business, professional firms, and good health. An example is the Boulder City Hospital booth offering free health screens. I knew in my heart that the key to good health was enjoying special places and getting exercise hiking to them. The majority of these booths were between Arizona and Wyoming Streets.
I am a Yelper that has high hopes of checking in at more festivals. To me, festivals celebrate the art of living. The art of yelping is to appreciate the art of living.
***The 2013 Yelp 100 Challenge. Review 158.***