OkK here we go. A girls week end in Vegas. yoga is definitley on the menu. No matter where i go, yoga goes with me. My traveling buddy had been here before. OK, i trust her yogini judgement. After a 30 dollar cab ride from The Strip..we arrive. I could smell the incense before opening the door. Seemed funny after leaving the Casino noise, smoke and cha-ching to walk into a Sanctuary! But as we did a friendly staff greeted us. After looking at all the yoga stuff for sale , picking things up, reading a snipit out of a book here and there I was ready to rock n roll with some Ashtanga yoga flow. The insturctor Eric was fantastic. If you are good, you are good and there are lots of good instructors around these days.Eric is excellent. Nice flow class on a rented mat. I missed my personal green mat, but It would not fit in my carry-on. I did not want to have my mat searched at the airport(so not yoga:)! After class we could not get a Cab to come pick us up. Out of necessity i asked a woman in the parking lot who had taken the yoga class if she was headed towards The Strip.,she was and was nice enough and trusting enough to give us a lift. How Yoga is that!! We made friends fast in her car and really enjoyed her stories about living and working as a show girl in Vegas. Never hurts to ask..the show must go on...great place to try if you are in vegas and going thru yoga withdrawals.