I got shaken down on my reflexology massage.
just because you think i have money, or i am not your usual clientele
pls dont shake me down!
i offered a 5$ tip to the lady who doesnt even speak a word english who made another girl translate for me she wants more; because she usually gets over 20%? really??.(is that how much You tip?) . i though of coming back before that because she was smiles and pleasing but at the end when she started pouting for more tip, i didnt like it, SO I DID give her over 20% !! it worked, but never again.
she didnt even say thank you.
i thought that giving a tip is just costumary, not only that your not supposed to ask me for it, you are not to tell me how much you want!
if its bigger that 15% just take it! you cant even service me in english, what else do you want?