| - I sort of developed a little crush when I checked out the Goldspike... actually, I came twice. I didn't get to spend a lot of time here on either visit.
The first was in the morning to figure out "what is this place?" We discovered this is a cool bar and grill that looks like a really fun place to hang out with friends. there is a Bar and there is a Grill and then there is a whole large Lounge area full of comfy couches, bed style loungers, bean bag chairs, and games games games. it's totally what I want to find when I go to a bar to hang with friends. Outside they also have little conversation areas, some game areas, a section where bands can play and currently, an ice skating rink (sorry, folks, synthetic ice). it's just FUN.
We returned that night because we wanted to check it out while it was hopping and it was! people were skating and snow was blowing through the air, a band was playing and people were drinking and having a grand time. Inside, almost every seating area was being used and everyone looked happy. I wanted to stay and drink and play, but I was actually quite sick and needed to hit the sheets, but I am so going back here and bringing my friends with me.
The security guard told me that they are also refurbishing the old hotel above the lounge and it's going to be some kind of hip boutique hotel. I'm loving the new downtown and might be spending a lot more time down there if everything is going to be THIS COOL!