I've had some great luck finding unique pieces at this location, but in terms of customer service, this place has got to be one of the less friendly places. I've been turned away around 4 or 5pm with still an hour or more to close when I had a bag full of things they could've looked through. I was shocked! Today I also brought 2 full bags to possibly sell. They asked, "Have you been here before? Do you know how it works?" and then I mentioned Ive done similar exchanges at The Kind Exchange and decided to try Common Sort today, but the girl said under her breath "well, Kind Exchange sucks." I said, "Excuse me?" She responded with "Oh nothing...." and then proceeded to reject everything I had, including a 1980's vintage luxury bag. Didn't say "thanks for coming in!" or "Sorry no luck, but please bring in anything else you think we'd like!" Gotta work on professionalism and customer service to be welcomed back next time.
Too bad for them.