I had messaged this company through google text asking about a certain item, and they were extremely helpful. I decided I would go in on my break the next day. I walked in, instantly greeted with a smile and an eager man (t.j) willing to help me. I vaped in the past, and got some (now I know sensitivity to PG) massive migraines. Tj informed me about sensitivity and chemicals that can cause that. He was very polite to tell me that he had the products i was interested in on sample. Not only did he show me the certain product I was in the hunt for, he helped me with some good options for just plain vape juice! I learned so much about vaping in such a short time. He was extremely nice and I was so pleased to go in! It was clean and dainty as well. Not grungy like some vape shops are.
I am excited to return. If you're considering going in, don't think about it. Just go! You won't regret it!
THANK YOU for your help tj!