| - Almost two years into this new establishment and I can detect no deviations in service or food quality. I write this update to gently nudge people to understand what the concept is at il Pizzaiolo. Ron Molinaro, who has been at the original location in Mt. Lebanon since 1996, had a concept to create a place that is as close to authentic Neapolitan food as possible and he does a very good job at it. When I read some criticisms from self described experts....."Cut the Pizza"...or, "I've had $150 bottles of wine.".......or..."crust is different, almost like Indian bread"; or "the pizza, where is the cheese"...., "the coke bottles are too small"..."I've been to Italy, and all over the world...". The self absorbed McBurger eaters among us who could not find Italy on a map.
Absolute and total ignorance by folks who have such a tremendous knowledge deficit that frankly it would be better off for them to go suck down the high fructose corn syrup and caramel color coca cola and supermarket frozen pizza that they've grown accustomed to. FYI, they serve the same coke that is served in Italy. No high fructose corns syrup. Ron wants a place that is authentic, even down to the coke he serves. It is not cheap at this place so don't complain about prices or wine, or how the pizza is made or presented or anything else. If you want cheap ingredients, lousy wine lists, pre-made pizza sauce in a can and service for the ignorant, there are many choices. The following is a 'kit' from and Italian website that will send folks everything they need to make a pizza in the style made at il Piizzaiolo:
Kit Pizza Cà Pummarola Ncoppa per preparare la migliore pizza a casa tua con i migliori prodotti del mondo. Composto da:
- 500 Gr. bocconcini di Bufala DOP
- Gr. 50 di Basilico
- Kg. 1 San Marzano DOP
- Kg. 25 Farina Caputo blu pizzeria
- Num. 1 Pacchetella (Pomodorino del piennolo confezionato al naturale)
Il meglio dei Pizzaioli Napoletani
The above costs about $50.00 american and remember that the flour will go much farther than the buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes.Then again, one does not have the benefit of a $50,000 handmade wood burning oven to cook that pizza in 90-120 seconds. Of course, one could always buy a garden variety pizza oven from a second hand restaurant supply store. What's the difference, right? The point is that the ingredients are quite expensive. It would be much easier to use domestic flour, tomatoes, and cheese. But then, the purpose of the whole endeavor is defeated by cutting important items that would reduce quality, affect taste, and mute the overall experience. My point is that there should be some appreciation from the Pizza Hut crowd of what Ron Molinaro is doing and offering to the public.
One thing about social media is that people just can't help pontificating and offering opinions that are without any basis of knowledge. Don't presume to criticize something you do not understand.