| - This park is near wear I work so I thought it be a perfect place to unwind after a less than stellar day at work. I enjoy the outdoors and have been taking advantage of the parks in my area. Upon arrival, I noticed ample parking, a ton of tennis courts (13 to be exact), and even several beach volleyball nets.
Something else caught my eye. It was a sign that warned of break-ins and not to leave valuables in your vehicle. Not unusual for a park. However, while reading this sign, I noticed a police vehicle exit the park. Prior to leaving we saw the same police vehicle circle once more. This left me with the impression break-ins are a common appearance here.
We headed to the restrooms and information kisok. Discovered that they have disc golf and biking trails too! Retrieved a map of the trails and headed to the softball field trail. As we searched and searched for the entrance, we did not find a softball field so we tried the tennis court trail. Did not find the entrance to that either. We ventured through part of the disc playing area thinking it would lead to a trail entrance.
FRUSTRATED at this point and walking nearly a mile not finding a trail head was ridiculous. Turning the map round and round trying to get our bearings, we FINALLY discovered a trail through the brush. So we weaved through and hopped on the Trailblazer Trek (?), which is a bike trail. At this point, I thought "who cares" and we continued.
We emerged from a 2.5 mile hike to what appeared to be the other side of the park. And, Eureka! we found the softball field, even better, the map now made sense. Based on our Map My Walk app we were not sure how to get back to our vehicle so we decided to walk along Tyvola and re-entered the park using the vehicle entrance.
I have never had a hiking experience quite like this. And I have had my fair share of hiking in Hawaii (to include Kalaupapa), Texas, and Charlotte. So, a hike that was intended to provide stress relief turned into a very irritating and discombobulating experience. On the plus side, we got 3.5 miles of exercise and discovered they have tennis and beach volleyball courts, if that's your thing.
Good Luck in finding your way!