| - I had a small crack on the frame of my iPad. One Stop Wireless (Silverado & Maryland) agreed to fix/replace it for about $65. When they gave it back a few days later, Joe had improperly installed a cheap screen. I could see immediately that it was going to break. Sure enough, it broke the next day. In addition, my 3G service stopped working properly when it was in their possession.
I agreed to pay for new parts, but it took them a month to call me to tell me they were in. They charged me $45 for a new screen and new 3G antenna. Guess what? Not only was the screen installed with air bubbles visible under the glass, but it wasn't flush with the body.
So of course the shoddy replacement screen broke again, almost immediately. No drops, no shocks, no impacts. It was protected by a cover or a cradle the whole time. Not only was the screen not mounted properly, but the 3G still wasn't accurate.
Oh, and when I went in to ask for a refund, they wouldn't even do me the courtesy of returning a call.
I now have to go buy a new iPad. Thanks, One Stop. I appreciate having to spend another $800 on top of the $110 I just wasted with you.
These guys are scammers and con artists. STAY FAR AWAY!!!