I wish I could give a 0 for the stars. Dr. Gannesson was a jerk and unprofessional.... I took my 11 year old son at the time and he was basically saying that he was fat right in front of him and mAde him cry. He said if we were to do surgery he needs to lose weight and a list of other things that needs to be done or what it intel's. Not to mention he was an hour and a half late, and when I asked him his success rate he was getting all defensive. I asked him to wright down the things that needs to be done cus at this point I'm clearly pissed off and he said didn't I listen to anything he just said. And he said that if I want to know his success rate I can look it up because he's not gonna show me his credentials. I said you were an hour and half late I paid a 100 dollars just to see u and you treat us like crap. YOU CAN FUCK OFF BECAUSE YOUR NOT TOUCHING MY SON!!!! And I want my money back. I got my money back. Fast forward 9-10 months later I'm looking for a diff urologist. I finally find 1 that takes the insurance and will see my son because of his age. I Waite 2 1/2 months later and 2 days before the appointment the nurse calls me saying that my son can't be seen here. I'm like why she said dr. Gannesson doesn't want to see your son. I'm thinking diff. Office totally forgot his name. I'm like oh crap just waited all this time for nothing and why when I made the appointment why wasn't I told??? I don't know she says. I'm like that's NO problem I don't want him. What about a diff doctor she says she talked to the other doctors and they agree they won't have u come here to be seen. ISNT THIS AGAINST THE LAW????? Doctor patient confidentiality!