2 words: TATER TOTS!
tater tots give me such a nostalgic feeling thinking back to my elementary, middle school days-- i get them everytime im at harris grill for the following reasons:
(1) a plate of them costs, lets say, $3 bucks n they pile like 20 to 30 tots so that makes it like .10 cents for a bite of salty heaven
(2) the unexpected great companion for booze ---- especially since harris grill does have a whole book filled with different cocktails, you're gonna b there for a while... and you're going to get hungry sooo u no where im going with this
(3) tater tots are AWESOME!
(4) every good thing associated with tater tots, do i need to say more?
but seriously i have tried other things there, n they are just as fabulous, the calamari is definitely a must-try.. their bacon n cheese burger is glorious, even the vegan falafel tasted like i was eating meat (meaning that it was just as flavorful as everything else)
the ambiance is what you want it to b, i've come here with my girlfriends, i've also come here with a posse of dudes and not to mention on suit night with my best guy friend.. its always a good time. i love dining here esp when its warm out so my friends n i can chill on the deck n drink to the moon and stars