| - As Jessica W. humorously - and accurately - points out, I was afraid that Fuel had shut down or that I'd run into the wrong place when I stopped by, because the venue looked like a sterile pharmacy from the outside. Once I stepped in, however, I found more than meets the eye.
Their smoothies were satisfying and fresh, and they also have some surprisingly good food offerings like their Fuel balls, which are tiny, protein-filled energy balls. Neither the smoothies nor the Fuel balls look like much on the surface, especially when you see their prices, but they are satisfying going down. The Fuel balls, in particular, should probably be viewed less as a meal than as a quick, energizing, healthy treat.
Inside, the venue is quite small and modern-looking, but there are a few small tables to sit and enjoy your treats. It is not, however, a Second Cup or Starbucks-like place where you can sit around and lounge all afternoon long without buying much of anything - which is all probably a good thing anyway.