What sort of witchery is this!?! Wizard of healing Dr Tom has done in 3 appointments what NO chiropractor or physical therapist had been able to do for well over a year. The right side of my body, mostly hip/glute/back was not cooperating, additionally I had foot pain and other issues I had learned to live with because nobody could tell me what was happening or why, much less help me find relief. One chiropractor told me I had flat feet and therefore I was pronating and that caused my hips out of alignment, another chiropractor told me the problem started in my hips and caused my flat feet...yet another chiropractor told me I could never do crossfit again... I cried. I searched YouTube and google to help myself... but finally I was referred to Dr Tom (after I had pretty much lost hope and craploads of money). No joke, after 1 appointment (and 1 week of doing what he instructed) I experienced MAJOR improvement, while still doing crossfit 3-4 x week! I've had 3 appointments in the past 4 weeks and I haven't felt this good in years! He doesn't take insurance but lemme tell you, this kind of healing magic is pretty flippin priceless.