| - I was lucky enough to have found out about this from a friend, and headed over late in the afternoon on that weekend. I must have come at the right time, because there was easy parking at the Pavilion, and no line to get in! Surely that meant I had lost out on some great shoe selections, but honestly I was ecstatic about the selection that was there, and boy was there a selection! Every size for men, women, and children, and then there were also sunglasses!
They provide you with a big clear bag to lug your shoes around in, which was fine unless you got a ton of pairs of shoes like I did and struggled to keep a grip. There were plenty of seats along the sides to allow you to try shoes on. All the shoes were zip-tied together, so trying to walk in them was near impossible. Overall, it was well-organized, between the genders and sizes. The checkout line was orderly and smooth, but was definitely the slowest part of the whole process (hey, there were a lot of people buying a lot of low-priced shoes)!
As you're about to leave, there's a little tablet kiosk (next to the security guard) where you can put in your email address to be alerted of the next warehouse sale - believe me, I put my name on there pretty fast, and I plan to be there to catch some of the rarer shoes next time!