The food is awesome here, but the service is horrible. I used to go here late night with my restaurant co-worker girlfriends after work and the ladies that work here are total byotches. It seemed like they were annoyed that we were coming in at 3 am...but they are open 24 hrs, so what's the big deal? Don't they want to make money? They looked at me and my friend like we were insane when we ordered a soju AND beer. They never brought the beer because that was just too much alcohol for two skinny white girls I guess. Also, never order wine here...not sure what I was tasted like pickle juice. Stick with the Hite. Anyhow, so me and my earlier mentioned skinny white drinking buddy went in here one eve with our gorgeous husbands and the ladies were totally nice to us, so the guys didn't believe our stories of rude waitresses. Needless to say, I am a glutton for punishment, as long as the food is delicious. I don't care about having good service as long as the food is cheap and great. If it was expensive, I would expect a little more ass kissing.