I was worried when I ordered something on Amazon for same day shipping and they used lasership, a company I've never heard of before. Then I started to google them and to my horror, found horrible reviews on yelp. This had me worried the entire day as I awaited my package. Well I'm glad to say that the tracking showed delivery by 9pm but the package came by 6:15pm! The guy knocked on my door loudly. He had a red shirt with lasership logo on it and scanned as delivered when I accepted the package. So YMMV but they worked fine for me.
Update 3/28/17
Well I moved and orederd something from Amazon. Was supposed to be 1 day shipping but never arrived. I called customer service and after holding 15 mins they said they'll contact the driver. Then said driver unreachable but they'll escalate my case and update me in 2 days. That never happened. They have automated email if you email them and it says to contact Amazon after 2 days. Time to call Amazon. Someone's enjoying my package at the expense of Amazon!
Just when I was about to call Amazon my package shows up. 2 days late! Better than nothing.