| - I've ALWAYS been a sweaty girl. I sweat horribly in the heat and the cold, sitting still or being active. I've tried every antiperspirant available and for years have had to alter my clothing choices based on whether or not it would be a "sweaty shirt." I end up wearing tank tops year-round, even in the winter.
I'd heard Botox for underarm sweat was pricey, had to be done frequently, and wasn't always effective, so I was excited to learn about a permanent solution called MiraDry. I have been THRILLED with the results!
Michelle Tiano, the PA at Dr. Guerra's practice was great. She discussed the procedure with me in detail before proceeding and made sure I was comfortable throughout the treatment. After a quick and relatively painless procedure, I have had NO underarm sweat! I've not had to apply deodorant or antiperspirant, and as an added benefit, I've not had to shave. After the procedure, my underarm hair essentially just fell out!
The first time I wore a "sweaty shirt" out to brunch, I felt warm and got worried....which usually caused me to sweat more. But AMAZINGLY I was totally dry, clean and odor free!
It may sound silly being so excited, but after decades of being self-conscious about my underarm sweat, it feels great to have finally found a real, permanent solution!
Thank you again Michelle and thank you MiraDry.