I took my laptop for repairs at Simple Computer Repair on Green Valley Pkwy and Corporate Circle, I was told I needed to replace my hard drive and it was going to cost $170 plus labor. I refused the work because I didn't want to make that investment in this machine and I trusted their recommendation. I didn't use my laptop for several months thinking it was broken.
It turns out a friend came over who is "NOT" as advanced in computer maintenance as they are. He was able to downgrade to Explorer 8. At that point, we loaded Chrome and Firefox and my laptop works just fine.
I am writing this message on the very system they said was broken.
I am really disappointed in the technicians at Simple Computer Repair.
I would think they would have been able to figure this simple solution out and I believe they were focused on charging me $170 instead of helping me fix the problem.
If they recommend replacing parts, I would strongly recommend getting a Second Opinion.