1. 7-15-2016 Internet service has been up and down for 3 days in this area, Northern and Central. Service drops out almost everyday in the afternoon and has for months. I have called in several times but the problems persist. I called in to ask for a credit for down service and was passed around and on hold for 45 minutes, mostly on hold. I was passed from tech support to the loyalty department, passed back to tech support, passed back to loyalty department, then passed back to tech support. Once back to tech support agent said service has been sporadic for 2 days and was going to try to give me a credit but did not know how to do it since the loyalty department handles this. He with his supervisors help was able to post a 20 credit.
2. Nov/2015 paying 58.56 20M down/5M up has increased to 73.99 Feb/2016??? Called and asked why the increase and told rate increase. As a 27 year customer the loyalty department is offering a 2 year contract at 73.99 which will guarantee no rate increase. I am going shopping. Costs should be coming down with newer technology not going up.