I want to love this place. I really do. However, given my previous experiences there I can only give it two stars.
Pro- excellent selection on everything from religious iconography to Vintage Film posters to Captain America comics. The prices are negotiable and you can get everything from a vintage Clark Gable film still to a bellows.
Con- the staff seems as though they've never had contact with the outside world. They are spacey even by antique dealer standards. They stare blankly at you as you walk through, and when you ask them a question they seemed detached. Bearing in mind, I'm 32 and I was easily the youngest person there. I don't know about you but that sets up a really uncomfortable Vibe for me.
The guy who runs the comics and toys section on the second floor is hands down one of the creepiest people I've ever met. Last time I was there he followed me throughout the store even when I told him not to. I don't care how good your selection is, when your staff is just plain odd I'm going somewhere else. It stinks because it's a really good selection and a decent location. You can't have it all I guess.