I've been a fan of Arby's since the late 70's when I was in university and just off of managing Burger Chefs for three years.
I don't eat at fast food places much, probably 10-15 times per year. I've frequented this Arby's over the years at least twice per year. Unfortunately it has fallen prey to the same problems as all fast food places, their cashiers have a 100% failure rate for us since 2012.
My son stopped there today on the way home, asked for two potato cakes. One came with his meal deal (2 cakes per order) and when he got him SURPRISE! No second order. I asked him to check the order to see what he was charged and when he checked, he discovered that he never received a receipt.
Enough! I'll start frequenting fast food places again when I can smack the person at the register to wake them up. Hey, mistakes will happen from time to time. But a 100% failure rate demonstrates absolute stupidity on the employee's part. Makes us both wonder how he got enough cash together for all of those tats he was sporting.