When unable to decide where to go for a quick dinner prior to catching a flick at the newest Markham Cineplex nearby, we go here. Their cheeseburgers are delicious, double patties, and comes on bigger and mightier sesame seed buns compared to Burgers Priest (although BPs and Holy Chucks patties are more flavourful).
Always choose the cajun fries over the original five guys style fries for a little extra zing (spice). Also dont bother getting any other size than the "little" fries as they tend to throw in purposely double the amount of fries in the brown paper bag, always a welcomed surprise.
Peanuts are onsite available to help yourselves with while waiting for them to make the burgers. Staff here are always courteous. Only complaint I would have is that one combo (burger, small fries, regular drink) comes to almost $20 which is almost the price of dining at a regular full service restaurant.