| - I LOVE the decent fares but it could be better since those ridiculous taxes are over the top.
So far, no extra misc charges for luggageYAY!! but where's the food?
I flew to SF and this one attendant was so insane toward a little Asian woman. She yells handing her a drink, "Thank you for saying thank you!" I think, that's weird, she's po'd about not getting thanked more often, or not getting thanked by the foreign LOOKING persuasion? I walk to the restroom later and hear this attendant going on and on about how "THEY marry American guys to get citizenship". EXCUSE ME? That woman she referred to IS American and WHY SW would tolerate her condescending attitude to a customer and keep substandard, on the job gossips within earshot of everyone? Maybe some cute little Asian chick stole the guy she wanted? Geez girl.
Oh, they did this one once during a flight. Going to SF, first of all, you're going to see some Asian people. So I get onto this flight with a few mixed couples. Just sitting down, not even situated, the attendant starts with the welcome and immediately takes a tally of WHO is a Vet, as she eyes some of these couples. Then she wants to know, who is retired, active, etc. Then the faux tribute for all the great service. There was no free alcoholic bev or big bag of nuts. What is the DEAL with SOUTHWEST employees anyway? Is this what they all complain about? It's strange to experience this more than once from the same airline.