| - I made an appointment with them through their Scheduling over the phone on June 16th for my ObGyn ultrasound. I asked them to book me on July 25th Monday at 4pm at Green Valley location. Since they were able to book the appointment for me, I asked my Boss for a day off from my work for that day since I usually have weekends off. I thought everything was fine because I made the appointment for more than a month in advance. Until I got a call from them in the Afternoon of July 22nd Friday and left a voicemail to tell me that they have to re-schedule my appointment for either July 27th Wednesday or July 29th Friday because they don't have a Tech that specializes what I need at Green Valley location during my appointment date which I booked more than a month ago. And they were just calling me 3 days prior to my set appointment not to mention on a Friday afternoon to tell me that they can't assist me on Monday. I called the Scheduling and told them that I can't move my day off this last minute and that they have to find me a different location that can help me on July 25th Monday. The lady told me that she can book me for July 25th Monday at Cheyenne location at 12:45pm. So I had her book it for me. I got to the Cheyenne location around 12:35pm thinking that I was punctual, but came to find out that they are closed for "lunch" and won't be back until 1pm. I called the Scheduling again to verify if they did actually confirmed my appointment. The lady told me that they had me set up at 1pm. Now I don't understand why the other lady would tell me 12:45pm. If they know that the office closes for lunch, same time everyday, why would she tell me that it's 12:45pm. It's over a 100°F outside and I'm pregnant for crying out loud. Our Sonographer, Shirley was nice, I really liked her but their printer was not working, so my Husband had to take a picture of our Baby in the monitor. Just 1 picture and that was it. This is supposed to be a very exciting moment for a Mom-to-be, especially for first time Moms. I was very excited for that day because I got to see our Baby and I thought I would be able to get couple print outs of her pictures. Luckily, I had another appointment for another Ultrasound on 7/28 Thursday at Desert Perinatal for some other stuff. My experience with them was great. They have better apparatus and they gave us 5 print outs of our Baby's pictures plus a CD with 13 pictures and 2 short video clip of our Baby. If I only knew that Desert Perinatal can do the same thing and better than Pueblo, then I would have just cancelled my appointment with Pueblo. I've read bad reviews about Pueblo but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it was just a waste of time and money. They need to start with being organize. They have 4 locations but they can't even manage simple scheduling. Then after that, they need proper maintenance with their machine. They need to check their machine on a daily basis if it's working properly. If I have to do another Ultrasound, I will ask my Doctor to refer me somewhere else and money won't be an issue as long as I'll get better service and I don't have to stress out about simple things like making an appointment.