As a full time reseller, I frequent estate sales regularly. Unfortunately, due to the lack of organization and basic professionalism, I'll be skipping this company's future sales.
At a recent sale I attended, Barbara was the only person who could complete a purchase transaction. Other employees just sat around on their phones. There was no line or cash register table, so buyers were milling about. She let multiple people cut in front of me because they were only buying one thing. Then, she has no way to accept credit cards (umm hello it's 2017) which I prefer as it is easier for the biz accounting. So, I reluctantly pay cash and when I ask for a receipt, she writes up some Mickey Mouse receipt on a piece of notebook paper. Super unprofessional! I mean, these are the basics of running a business. Needless to say, I'm not impressed and would not recommend this debacle of a company to estate sale buyers or those wanting to liquidate their household.