| - I used to work for an engineering firm that did A LOT of work on pre-construction and during construction of this development. I think I personally spent about 3 months during 2007 just on this project. I feel like it is worth mentioning that the firm I worked for is locally owned and employs about 50 people. All of whom live, work, play and pay taxes in the valley. The work we did was only a small fraction of the work that takes place in a development of this size. In the portion I worked on, we hired 3 local subcontractors. Each of those businesses were locally owned and employed people who live in the Valley. Our work didn't include the architects, civil engineers, structural engineers, etc who also worked on this project. I don't think it accurate to say that any tax incentive the developer received was "free money". Building this thing wasn't cheap or easy.
I understand the complaints that businesses that located here could have located to buildings that had already been constructed in the area. This is true but the fact remains that those businesses weren't located here. Despite acres of empty rental space those businesses weren't located downtown. Also, the footprint that the development stands on was used since the mid 1980's as a surface parking lot and "park". I say "park" because it was more or less a concrete bunker, with few trees and no grass built over an underground parking garage. Known less as a place to picnic than a place to be harassed by panhandlers. I can't imagine a surface parking lot and underutilized, poorly desigened concrete block are going to be missed. If you do miss them go visit one of many surface lots just north of this corner and Margaret Hance Park to be harassed by panhandlers.
With all that said, through a pre-construction archaelogical survey, the archaeologists determined that the corner was inhabited by some of Phoenix's earliest settlers. A few artifacts were found, reachered and now are in the Pueblo Grande Museum.
The thing is built. I think it is a nice additin to downtown and has brought in a number of businesses who will fit well an easy accessible central location. Its not perfect, but I think it serves as a much needed improvement to copper square.