This Wendy's is so run down compared to say the Wendy's on Queensway just east of the East Mall. That Wendy's has a fireplace, tv's, universal Coke machine and is always clean etc.
This one on Dundas near Kipling is usually messy and the tables don't get cleared as fast. It's usually pretty busy too since it shared a building with Tim Horton's as well but patrons can sit on any side of the building they want.
There are 2 drive throughs as well. Tim's entrance is near the front of the building facing Dundas while Wendy's drive through entrance is at the back of the building. The parking lot here is usually pretty full even though it's completely surrounded by parking.
This intersection is pretty busy too (Aukland and Dundas) because it's where all the East Mall, West Mall, Shorncliff etc buses turn as well as one of the ways out for cars that go to the kiss and ride meeting hub for Kipling.
The only saving grace of this place is that closes late (2am?). The last time I was there they didn't even have chili. A person in front of me was not impressed and just left and went over to Tim's.