Had heard of this spot ages ago but never understood how interesting their menu was until my friend casually mentioned their 1lb burgers while passing by... PULL OVE- Screeeech!!
We walk in and immediately I realize that they have not only 1lb beef burgers but exotic meats such as bison, deer and boar. All they are missing is a brontosaurus burger and I'm in heaven. Made a mental note to come back for something fancy and ordered me a 1lb Southwest (?) - contained Pepperjack cheese, guacamole and bacon - fuck yes.
Promptly devoured the entire thing (see action shot posted) and nearly ordered another but my comrade wouldn't take the bet to buy it if I could :(
*Special note: If money is not an issue ($16 burger?) the 'exotic' meats can be stacked to a similar effect.
TL;DR: Highly recommended burger joint for a twist on a simple idea.