I seriously still cannot truly believe that Jesus guy has its own review. Is this real life? Is he real life? These are things that will never be answered. Jesus guy is strikingly loud, something nobody would expect until you hear the booming thunder that is his voice. There are many shenanigans and devoted speakers/pamphlet hand-out-ers on yonge and dundas but Jesus guy is the only one that will scare the absolute daylights out of me when I walk by. The others are just weird (Filipino ladies praising the lord on a mic) or pushy (the Islam guys who shoved a pamphlet into my hand and demanded money...)
Jesus guy is just... Jesus guy. With the loud "BEEEEELIEVE!" as you stroll by, you're too shaky to even grab a pamphlet to see what he's really about. This guy is dedicated, but I ain't about feeling like death every time I walk in this corner. However, if you've been around Toronto long enough, you can definitely tell Jesus guy's voice is growing weak and weary. Actually, weakER and more weary.. the guy is still outrageously loud for someone who screams every day for a living. This guy is here ALL the time- how does he eat? How does he support himself? Is he homeless? I'm truly curious... can somebody ask?
Also- 'good for kids'? NOPE!