Recently moving back to Vegas from a town where they had some really cool eclectic punk bars, coming to Vegas I was aware there is a shortage of this kind of bar here. It was a pretty cool little hang out spot though where I could converse with like minded people. Bikers, punks, tattooed mongrels, etc. I liked it there. In all fairness, I've been there twice and both times it was mid week and it was pretty dead. I have heard that they have some good bands there on the weekends. I have yet to go on a Friday or Saturday night. Drink prices weren't insane which was cool. I can see it being a pain in the ass to get a drink if it was busy though.
One big plus in my eyes, no f'ing video poker machines.
One huge negative - it is hot as hell inside the bar. When I went it was dead and they had nothing but a few circulating fans in the bar. I can see this place being a sauna if you get a good sized crowd in there.
Divebar - Come up with a better name, and get some damn air conditioners.